Thursday, May 1, 2008

more changes

Well friends, their have been more changes in my life this past week. I was told that my job at East will be eliminated at the end of the year. To be honest I am bummed, but I serve a God that is so very good. I just received a promotion at Starbucks, so God is still providing. I will miss the staff at East, the students and yes even the role I played there. I pray God will give me other opportunities to reach in to the lives of teens and share the love of Christ without using words.

As I said before I am reading "Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado. In the book he talks about how Jesus was the only person at the last supper that deserved to have His feet washed, but instead He knelt and washed the feet of the disciples. There are times in every one's life when someone else causes hurt in your life. You have a choice on how to react. Do you cross your arms and hold a grudge or do you lower yourself and wash their feet? That is a hard question. I pray daily that I can wash the feet of those who upset me. I pray I can be like Jesus. And during the times I am not I claim the grace that was given to me.

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