Monday, January 12, 2009


This coming Sunday night, Haven's service will be dedicated to those who have been adopted, have adopted or are adopting. I have been asked to create a powerpoint to show at the end of the service. I love doing powerpoints, so I said yes right away. I have to say this one is by far the most touching presentation I have done, and it is no where near finished. I have only roughed in some verses and a song, but I can't help but watch it many times a day.

While doing this, my heart is floating back to Africa. I can't wait for the trip, but yet I know I will never be ready for what I am going to experience. I have been talking with others that have made the trip and their stories bring tears to my eyes. I want to help kids. When I get updates from the orphanage, I want to jump on a plane, fly over to Beautiful Gate and take all the kids home with me.

I don't know what God's plan is for my life, but through my friend's stories, the powerpoint and the upcoming trip, my heart is breaking for those who feel they have no home. I can only pray that whatever God's plan is, I can support and encourage those who are walking through the adoption process.

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