Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Vine

Hey, all who still check my blog. I have decided to update, since I was pretty much at the bottom of my friend Becky's blog list.

The past few weeks have been full. Right now I am really trying to find balance in my life. Working 2 jobs, continuing to edit Dave and Cara's photos (the are almost done) and trying to stay healthy is a very hard thing to do. I don't know how to say no to things, BUT I am learning that everyday I need to stop being Martha and start being Mary. I have been craving to be as close to the true Vine (John 15) more and more. Each day we are given on this earth is another day to serve God. All to often I find myself complaining about all the things that I have to do, rather than enjoy the time I have here. I find myself so busy that I forget to tell people about the greatest story ever told.

I want to invite you all to experience the journey Christ walked, so that we could walk each day on earth knowing our future is taken care of. Stop by "Storyline", downtown Zeeland, in the old Five Star building (across from the post office, corner of Church and Main.) It takes about around an hour and is worth every step you make. 7 youth pastors from Zeeland got together and laid it all out. I was honored to help in the process of putting together one of the scenes. It IS the greatest story ever told. After going through it, one of my high school students said, "God is so alive."

Well that is all for now. I am trying each day to cling more to the true Vine and worship His greatness, in the midst of a very busy schedule.

Africa Update...I purchased my plane ticket this week. 7 more months


Amy S said...

Yeah plane ticket!!! That's awesome!!!

Becky said...

I can't believe you bought the tickets!! Yeah you!!

I haven't seen you in forever. I'm so sorry that we've been so busy. We need to connect again. I have spring break you have any free time?