Sunday, November 25, 2007

a hug

The past week and a half I have come face to face with myself, and I didn't like what I saw. It was like looking into a mirror and not knowing who was looking back. This process is not much fun, but it is very necessary if I want to become everything God created me to be.

Tonight I felt a little reward for going through this daily process of self discovery.

I was hugged.

Yes, I have been hugged before, but I was always so focused on giving the hug, making sure the person I was hugging knew I cared, that I never felt the hug they gave me. I never allowed myself to be loved because I was more concerned about being the rescuer than the rescued. I am learning daily, that I need to be loved and I need to allow people to rescue me. I need to allow myself to feel the love of someone else rather than always focused on being the best hug giver. I need to start focusing on being a hug receiver. Because if I don't allow myself to feel loved from someone else, how can I feel the love of God? The love that will never let me go.

I pray today that whoever reads this feels a hug from someone. And to the one who hugged me today...thank you!


Amy S said...

Love you, friend. I'm here to give you a big 'ol hug ANYTIME! (But you already knew that) :)

Julie said...

hey terp. I just found your blog through Amy's! I just started a blog a little over a month ago to update friends and family on life in Iowa!