Saturday, August 23, 2008

life lessons

My sister in law asked me a few weeks ago, if I could watch Jake, Izzy and Brayden tonight while they went out with some friends. I always jump at the opportunity to have all 3 to myself, so I said yes.

Here are a few lessons I learned this evening...

1. When committing to babysit weeks before the actual date, call a day before to see how everything is going, because two 11 month old babies with ear infections are not easy to handle alone.

2. When you bring a donut with chocolate frosting for a three year, know that the only thing that will be eaten will be the frosting.

3. When your brother tells you the babies haven't had a dirty diaper yet, watch out it will happen on your shift. And when a 3 year old says he can go to the bathroom all by himself, remember that when you go next, watch out because you may step in a puddle by the toilet.

4. When playing "rock band" know there will always be an argument over instruments. (It looks like Jake is the guitar player, Brayden does percussion with the Cheerios container and Izzy sings...LOUD, but this changes daily.)

5. When the monitor for the boys bedroom becomes quiet, it could mean that they are sleeping, but most likely it means a 3 year unplugged it. When you go ask how this happened, know there is no way an 11 month baby can get out of the crib, climb on a bed, unplug the monitor on the shelf and crawl back into his crib.

6. The sound of a 3 year old singing his brother to sleep is so beautiful, especially when he is singing David Crowder songs word for word.

7. The feeling of a half asleep 11 month girl in your arms is worth every chocolate frosting mess, unplugged baby monitor and ear infection cry, especially when she looks at you and smiles, proudly displaying her one and only tooth.

I made an investment this weekend. I purchased the first season of Doogie Howser MD on DVD. You all can laugh, but secretively I know you want to borrow it!!!


Amy S said...

Love the life lessons! Sounds like you had a quite an adventure with the 3! What a great auntie!
Camping was great... we ended up having NO rain, so we were very thankful! See you tonight.

Julie said...

What an awesome aunt. Don't you love being an aunt!!! I know I do! I totally agree with your life lessons! Although kids may drive you nuts and are a lot of work, it is all worth it when they smile at you and give you a great big hug!