Sunday, July 5, 2009


Lately I have been praying for God to open my eyes for me to see exactly what He wants me to do. I had an interview last week, and it went very well. If God wants me at this new church, it will be a big step. I will be in a new community, a new town and a new church. BUT I will not be in a new family. That is the great thing about being a Christian. You may move into a town where you know no one, but when you step foot into a church, you should feel like you are stepping into a family reunion.

God has been showing me a lot of things lately. Tonight I went for a drive and thought about how I have been so blessed. I want to take what God has blessed me with and bless others. I heard this song, and it exactly what I needed to hear. No matter what job I have, where I live or who I am surrounded by I want to see things through the eyes of Christ.

1 comment:

Julie said...

God bless you on the interview and that process. You are so right about not having a new family--the individuals may be different, but they are still part of your family. This has been reinforced to me over the many times Joel and I have moved. I can't imagine moving somewhere and not be part of the Christian community--the church's we have found have been family and a home to us in a place that was new at one point. :)