Sunday, December 28, 2008

conversations with a 4 year old

Jake is spending the night tonight, because Izzy has croupe and Brayden has a bad cold. Here are some things we talked about...

"Why do Mommys and Daddys and aunties get big?"

"Why are my boogers ginormous?" (only boys)

"Next time you have to come to Wolf Wolf Lodge with me and I will show you all the slides."

"If it's Lacee's birthday, why didn't we make a cake?"

"Why can't I have the guitar louder?"

After looking at some blogs he picked out a familiar face and said, "Hey that's my girlfriend Abby's mom."

The best was when we went for a drive and he was singing a the top of his lungs. "He makes all things new. All things New. My soul longs for you."

We curled up in bed to watch the SOund of Music. He fell asleep about 30 minutes into it. I love sleep overs!!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Great blog!!! Conversations with Jake are always good. Abby fell asleep with the movie too. :) I'll make sure to tell her tomorrow that her boyfriend says hi!